人妖 泰文 MV分级防听歌受不良影响

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人妖 泰文 MV分级防听歌受不良影响
发布日期:2024-09-27 15:46    点击次数:133

人妖 泰文 MV分级防听歌受不良影响

人妖 泰文


Online music videos are to be given age ratings in a bid to protect children from explicit images and lyrics. 为了保护孩子们免受色情画面和露骨歌词的不良影响,在线播放的歌曲视频(MV)也将按年齿分级。

Top artists including Sam Smith, George Ezra and Joss Stone could see their music videos handed 12, 15 or 18 certifications under the government-backed pilot scheme. 包括萨姆•史小姐,乔治•以斯拉,乔丝•史东在内的顶尖音乐东谈主们会他们的MV被标志为“未满12(15,18)周岁者不宜不雅看”,该分级形貌为政府支援的试点形貌。


The British Board of Film Classification, which is running the initiative, has estimated that one in five videos released will be deemed unfit for those under 12. 该项目标推行方英国电影分级委员会示意,据他们算计,已刊行的MV中,有五分之一傍边会被判定为不适合12岁以下儿童不雅看。

However some of the world’s raunchiest performers, such as Miley Cyrus and Rihanna, are not covered by the scheme and there are no measures in place to enforce the guidelines. 但是部分略带色心意味的饰演者,举例麦莉•塞勒斯和蕾哈娜等人妖 泰文,并不在此次试点决策边界内,也莫得出台任何法子能确保这一限定得到推行。

Rapper Dizzee Rascal has already seen his video ‘Couple of Stacks’ rated 18 under the initiative. Ellie Goulding’s ‘Love Me Like You Do’, recorded for the film Fifty Shades of Grey, was handed a 15 warning and Kasabian’s ‘Stevie’ was rated 12. 说唱歌手迪利•瑞斯可已发现他的作品‘Couple of Stacks’ 被定为18岁及以上可不雅看。埃利古尔丁为电影《五十度灰》献唱的歌曲‘Love Me Like You Do’被定为15级。卡萨比安乐队的‘Stevie’则提倡12岁以下不宜不雅看。

But even with these ratings in place, there is nothing to stop younger music fans stumbling across the inappropriate clips which often include sexual imagery, violence and obscene language. 不外,即使有了分级,年青的音乐爱重者们如故会有时发现一些包含着色情画面,暴力和秽语污言的视频片断。

Only videos released by the British arms of Sony Music UK, Universal Music UK and Warner Music UK are covered by the scheme and the companies are free to choose which videos they want to submit for certification. This means videos from artists such as Miley Cyrus, Nicky Minaj and Rihanna, who are not signed to those labels and are known for their raunchy videos, will not be included in the ratings system. 唯有英国索尼音乐,英国环球音乐,英国华纳音乐这几家公司刊行的视频是在该决策边界内的,公司不错解放继承他们念念要提交得到分级认证的视频。这也就意味着麦莉•塞勒斯,妮基•米娜什,蕾哈娜等露骨MV的常客,因未签约这些唱片公司而不受分级轨制的统帅。

Video sharing sites YouTube and Vevo have signed up to the scheme and pledged to include the warnings on clips uploaded to their sites. Vevo puts the rating in the top corner of the video, while YouTube includes it in the information beneath. However, there are no checks to make sure the person watching is of the correct age. 视频共享网站YouTube 和Vevo还是签署了该决策况兼答允上传到他们网页上的视频片断也会有分级警告。Vevo 把分级标示放到视频播放屏幕的上角, YouTube 则放在视频下方的融会中。但是,到底看视频的东谈主符不合适分级年齿,却无从核实。

YouTube is the world’s most popular video sharing platform, with one billion worldwide users. It hosts videos for the vast majority of musicians. YouTube 是大家最受宽待的视频共享平台,在大家边界内有十亿用户。绝大大批的音乐东谈主齐在该站发布视频。

The scheme has been running since October last year and has so far seen 84 videos rated, with 27 given a 12 classification,39 a15 and one a 18. The BBFC has estimated that one in five videos released will be deemed unsuitable for children under the age of 12. 这项决策已从客岁十月运转运行,迄今达成已有84个视频被定级,其中27个是12级,39个15级,1个18级。英国电影分级委员会示意,据他们算计,已刊行的MV中,有五分之一傍边会被判定为不适合12岁以下儿童不雅看。





(翻译:杜嘉瑶BISTU 剪辑:Helen)人妖 泰文

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